CyberYummies - Crawfish Etouffe


2 lbs. crawfish
2 sticks butter
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
1 cup celery, chopped
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup potato flakes (more or less)
2 beef bouillon cubes

3 cups cooked rice 

In butter over medium heat, cook bell pepper, onion and celery until clear. In separate pot, dissolve bouillon cubes in 1 cup of water. Add bouillon cube water, stir in crawfish and cook for 5 minutes. Add potato flakes 1/4 cup at a time while stirring until you reach a medium thick consistency. You may need to add more bouillon water if you add to much potato flakes. Serve over rice.

Serves 4-6

Healthy Tip: Use reduced fat butter and whole wheat rice.